Electronic Dictionaries
Georgian Orthographic Dictionary
Visit the site : Ena.ge
The National Library wiki encyclopedia offers published, encyclopedic scientific and popular science articles. Visit the site
Electronic Dictionary
Is represented by several different dictionaries: Dictionary of Pseudonyms, Glossary of Foreign Words, Human Rights, Civic Education, English-Georgian, Legislative Terms, Library Terms, Art, Georgian Synonyms and other dictionaries. Visit the site
School Dictionary
Offers dictionaries of literature used in the school program. Visit the site
School literature
Includes works from school textbooks, as well as works and dictionaries that are directly or indirectly related to school education. Visit the site
Large English-Georgian Online Dictionary
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Lexicographic Center Online Dictionary, which includes 13 volumes of the "Great English-Georgian Dictionary". Visit the site
Macmillan Dictionary
Description: Find meanings, pronunciations, synonyms, collocations, idioms as well as images, videos, and sound effects. Browse BuzzWords and the crowdsourced Open Dictionary. Improve your English with games, quizzes, and helpful resources for teachers and students. Visit the site